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Web Development

Basic (Level 1)

  • Static Webpages
  • HTML
    • Essential Page Tags
    • Content Tags
  • CSS
  • CSS Grid Layout
  • File and folder management

Advanced (Level 2)

  • Using CSS to style html elements
  • Custom Stylesheets
  • Semantically correct HTML
  • Stylesheets for print output
  • CSS Canvas
  • CSS Drop Down Menus
  • JavaScript to Show and Hide information
  • HTML Conventions
  • Code validation
  • Image optimisation
  • Saving images in correct format
  • Using other web libraries (bootstrap, jquery)
  • Other media asset editing (video, image, audio, fonts)
  • CSS Media Queries
  • Image Carousels
  • Embedding Content

Complex (Level 3)

  • CSS Animations
  • Fully responsive sites
  • Optimising for Mobile and Desktop at different resolutions
  • Interactive JavaScript
  • Optimising Code for the Web
  • Cookies