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Image Manipulation

Basic (Level 1)


  • Placed(?)
  • Layer rasterized
  • Image cropping
  • Resolution/size checked
  • Changing colour mode CMYK/RGB
  • Layers (using/naming)
  • Image adjustment through menu - hue/sat etc
  • Using transform tools
  • Using brushes
  • Layer Styles
  • Format (?)
  • Files (?)
  • canvas & image size
  • Basic selection tools
  • Adding text to an image
  • Filter gallery effects
  • configuring PShop workspace - a basic thing to do but could be used to support efficiency at Level 2 and 3
  • filters (filter gallery is basic not advanced)

Vector Graphics

  • Shapes (builder)
  • Pathfinder
  • Gradients
  • Brushes
  • Symbols (edit)

Advanced (Level 2)

  • using photoshop variables
  • batch editing
  • creating the punch effect
  • extensive use of layer masks
  • compositing images
  • recording actions
  • creating droplets
  • camera RAW editing
  • levels adjustment
  • using luminosity masks
  • Using Paths - pen tool
  • Smart objects for non destructive editing
  • adding plugins
  • creating own brushes
  • creating panos
  • creatiung hdr images
  • 3d mockups
  • PSD to HTML website UI design
  • Frequency separation
  • clear cutting (?)

Image Tools

  • gradient fills
  • drop shadows
  • colour modes
  • correcting image distortion and noise
  • pixel selections

Vector Graphics

  • Image trace
  • Font - Create Outlines
  • Effects Gallery

Complex (Level 3)

  • colour histograms and adjustments,
  • non destructive editing - using adjustment layers / smart objects
  • pen tools and paths,
  • use of different blending modes
  • calibrating screen / colour management
  • content aware fill
  • image compositing?
  • create a photo gallery
  • keyboard shortcuts?
  • refining edges on selections
  • high pass filter sharpening
  • graphic optimisations (?)
  • colour management and printing
  • automation scripts.