📄️ Accessibility Features - The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Us Part II has been a divisive game in terms of it's content.
📄️ Accessibility
Accessibility is about making your outcome work for a range of people with different needs and/or disabilities.
📄️ Aesthetics
Aesthetics is about making your outcome pleasing to look at or use. It is closely tied to design.
📄️ Cultural
Cultural implications can be tricky. You need to identify the cultural groups that you are building the outcome for and also consider the other cultural groups that will have an interest in your outcome.
📄️ End-user considerations
You always need to consider all of the end users of your outcome.
📄️ Ethical
The ethical implications can be difficult to tie down as they sometimes come down to the values or the end users and society or legal issues.
📄️ Functionality
Functionality is concerned with looking at if the outcome actually does what it should. The functional requirements will often be listed in the design specification outlining exactly what the outcome needs to be able to do.
📄️ Future Proofing
When considering future proofing you need to think about what will happen to your outcome in the future once you have completed it.
📄️ Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 (HDCA)
The Harmful Digital Communications Act 2015 (HDCA) sets out 10 principles for digital communications that are aimed at preventing harm:
📄️ Health and Safety
Health and safety implications vary depending on the outcome.
📄️ Intellectual Property
Intellectual Property (IP) refers to the ideas that have been created by people that don't have a physical form.
📄️ Legal
You need to consider the legal implications of your outcome. This covers making sure you have permission to use the resources and materials in your outcome as well as protecting the work that your create.
📄️ Privacy
Privacy is important to so many people. Often privacy is given up in order for more convenient access to services.
📄️ Relevant Implications
Relevant implications is a term that relates to any aspect that can impact the project. Is could be physical constraints, legal or ethical issues.
📄️ Social
When considering social implications you need to consider the impact that your outcome will have on society. Either as a whole or for a group.
📄️ Sustainability
When considering sustainability implications you need to think about how efficiently and environmentally friendly your outcome is.