Create a release on Github
Once you have a build created of your game or program you should add the release to github.\_channel=LearnICTNow
Go to and make sure you are logged into your account.
Find the repository you wish to attach this release to. You can also do this by using Github Desktop and selecting View on Github.
In the repository on the right there is a section titled Releases. Click the Create a new release link
Fill in the details about the release.
Note that you must include a tag. This could be the sprint that this version relates to.
In the description give an overview of what is available in this release. What works and what doesn't.
Drag the file into the Attach binaries section.
It might take a while to attach your binary (compiled code) for your project.
If it is an incomplete release / build check this is a pre-release.
When ready click Publish Release
You now have a release on Github.