📄️ 2D Animation using Sprites (Unity Animator and States)
This lesson assumes you have completed the previous one (2D Top Down Movement (Up, Down, Left, Right, aka RPG Style)) or have a scene where a player is able to be moved using Player Input.
📄️ Adding a Camera to a prefab
Double click on the prefab to open it.
📄️ Adding a Canvas and UI to a scene
You can have multiple Canvas' on a scene.
📄️ Game Design - Unity
This set of activities will cover how to complete some key tasks in Unity.
📄️ Unity
Create a project in Unity.
📄️ 2D Movement (Platformer with Jumping)
📄️ 2D Top Down Movement (Car Style Turning)
Click to load and play the demo.
📄️ 2D Top Down Movement (Up, Down, Left, Right, aka RPG Style)
Getting Set up
📄️ 2D Top Down Player Movement (Asteroids Style Space Shooter)
Click the Image to load a preview.
📄️ Add music for a level
When an audio source is added the audio will automatically play when the level loads.
📄️ Unity: Adding Menu navigation through code
How to add menu navigation using the new input system.
📄️ Adding Multiple Scenes to a build
This guide will show how to add different scenes to the build so that they can be switched between easily.
📄️ Adding two or more animations onto an object
In this lesson you will:
📄️ Unity and VS Code Autocomplete
via IFTTT Sometimes Unity won't activate autocomplete with VS Code. Use this guide to help you get it set up. Make sure you download and ...
📄️ Unity Creating an animation on an object
In this guide you will learn how to:
📄️ Animation Shortcuts
The following shortcuts will only work in the animation window.
📄️ Animator Controller: Adding Transitions between states
In this lesson you will learn how to:
📄️ Building / Exporting a Finished Project
Go to File > Build settings...
📄️ Unity: Change Scene
via IFTTT How to use a trigger to change the scene when a player object collides with it.
📄️ Changing the Build Platform
Unity supports a number of different build platforms.
📄️ Changing the colour of GameObjects
To change the default colour of a game object we apply materials to the object.
📄️ Changing the colour of objects in Unity
via IFTTT How to use materials to change the colour of objects in Unity.
📄️ Changing the colour of objects
📄️ Character Controller 3D Project
In this lesson you will create a Character Controller using Unity.
📄️ Code a button to load a different scene or close the application
This lesson build on from Creating a UI, make sure that you have completed that one first.
📄️ Create a Menu / UI for a project
User interface (UI) elements in Unity are created using Canvas objects. These can be in their own scene or included as part of another scene.
📄️ Create a playable build of your game or application
So by this point you should have created a player character, made it move, have a level and a menu. When you get to a point in the level you should reach a win scene and there should be a way for your character to die / lose / restart the game.
📄️ Create a release on Github
Once you have a build created of your game or program you should add the release to github.
📄️ Unity: Create Build
How to create a build using Unity.
📄️ Creating a Camera path using Cinemachine Track and Dolly
This lesson will use Cinemachine and the Track and Dolly virtual camera to create a path for a camera to follow.
📄️ Creating a Level with ProBuilder
Unity has a tool called ProBuilder which allows for quick prototyping and Grey boxing of levels and environments.
📄️ Creating a Loading Bar
In this lesson you will create a loading bar to use when loading different scenes.
📄️ Creating a Menu
There is a tutorial on Unity covering this.
📄️ Unity: Creating and main menu UI
How to create a main menu layout using Unity and the UI tools for the new Input suts.
📄️ Creating Custom Control Schemes
In the project right click and select Create > Input Action
📄️ Creating Custom Player Inputs
Create a new set of InputActions.
📄️ Creating Levels and environments in Unity using Probuilder
via IFTTT How to install and use the core features of ProBuilder in Unity to quickly prototype / grey box a level.
📄️ Creating Objects
GameObjects are the core element of Unity. Everything you see (and even things you don't) in a Scene in Unity is a type of GameObject. Think of them as the type of object that everything is created from. For example a cube is a special type of GameObject as is a Camera.
📄️ Creating reusable objects (Prefabs)
Prefabs are a type of GameObject that can be reused.
📄️ Creating timed player Powers Ups in Unity
via IFTTT How to create timed player power ups / pick ups in Unity with triggers and coroutines.
📄️ Custom Cursors for a Pan and Scroll Camera using Cinemachine
You can access a windows example here.
📄️ Cycling between Cameras in order using Player Input
Sometimes in a scene you want to be able to switch between different cameras to get a different viewpoint.
📄️ Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Unity has a lot of keyboard shortcuts. Common ones are listed below, as is a method to customise the shortcuts.
📄️ Unity Development Challenges
You should attempt these tasks independently and try to complete them without looking at existing code.
📄️ Different colour players
Create materials for each player colour.
📄️ Displaying Enemy ID above the player
You can grab a sample template to work with from Github.
📄️ Displaying player ID on the UI/HUD
This lesson will show how to use UI elements to display player information on the screen.
📄️ Enemy AI: Chase a player
This example will have an enemy player chase a player object.
📄️ Enemy AI: Infinite Spawn Point / Tower
This lesson assumes that you have completed the guide on how to get an enemy object to chase the player using the nav mesh agent. You can find the lesson here.
📄️ Environmental Damage: Taking Damage from an Area
This guide shows how to create an environmental obstacle. In this case a section of the map set to be lava that will inflict damage over time while the player stays in the area.
📄️ Firing a Projectile (with Physics)
This lesson covers how to spawn a projectile when the user presses the default fire button (left mouse click) using the Input System.
📄️ First Person Camera using Character Controller
Click the image to access the demonstration (rotation is very sensitive)
📄️ Fly Thru Player Movement (Move on all axes)
📄️ Unity Getting Started - Creating Objects
via IFTTT Introduction to Unity covering creating GameObjects and placing them into a Scene.
📄️ Unity / Github Student Plan
Unity has a free student plan that is available. As does Github which provided access to a range of tools.
📄️ Unity: Glass (See through) material
How to create a see through object and material in Unity.
📄️ Handling players joining through scripts
The PlayerSpawnManager Script
📄️ Holding a Button - Multiple interactions on a binding / action
First set up a Player object with a default Play Input script and input actions / bindings.
📄️ Unity Hub
Download and install Unity Hub and then Unity using the hub.
📄️ Identifying the players on joining the game
This assumes that you have created a Player Spawn Manager script in the previous lesson.
📄️ Importing 3D Models and add a Mesh and Colliders to stop them falling through the floor
This guide will show how to import a 3D model and add a simple mesh and collider to it to stop it falling through other objects.
📄️ Unity Input System: Jumping with Character Controller
via IFTTT Using the Input System to jump using the built in Character Controller.
📄️ Jumping using a Rigidbody
Below is a complete movement and jump script for using the New Input System with a Jump action added.
📄️ Laser Tower that automatically attacks targets within range using (draw line in game)
This guide will demonstrate how to make a tower that will shoot a simulated laser at a specified time to the first object that moves within it's range.
📄️ Level Editor - ProBuilder
Unity has a Level Editor that is able to be included free of charge (despite it's name).
📄️ Load a new Scene when an object reaches a trigger
You will need two scenes for this task.
📄️ Local Multiplayer / Couch Co-op
Unity has local multiplayer built into the new input system.
📄️ Local Multiplayer using Player Input Manager and identifying the players (Complex and thorough)
Click the image to an example of Local multiplayer, note some spawning locations are not functioning in the WebGL version.
📄️ Locating and Seeing Empty GameObjects
Empty GameObjects are hard to see.
📄️ Making a character Jump using the Input System and a Character Controller
This lesson build on the code from the Moving a Player lesson, please make sure that you have completed that lesson first.
📄️ MLAPI and Unity's New Input System
This is a complex and frustrating but also rewarding activity.
📄️ Mouse Look
Below is a code example for how to setup a mouse look on a camera object.
📄️ Unity: Movement in all directions
How to move your player object in all directions (x,y,z) using the input system.
📄️ Moving a Camera or Enemy from point to point using Empty GameObject located around the scene
This lesson covers how to create a script that can be attached to any object with a Rigidbody andhave the object move to any GameObject items on a Scene.
📄️ Moving a player (GameObject) with the Default inputs
📄️ Moving a player (GameObject) with WASD
The code below is attached to the player object.
📄️ Moving a player with the new Unity Input System
The new input system provides a number of advantages over the original input system.
📄️ Moving a shape automatically around a predefined path
Make sure that the object to be moved has a RigidBody applied to it.
📄️ Moving the player using the Input System
Create a scene with a ground and a player object.
📄️ Moving the player with the Input System
Create a scene with a ground and a player object.
📄️ .NET SDK 4.7.1 Developer Framework
Download the .NET 4.7.1 developer framework from Microsoft here. This is needed for Unity and VS Code
📄️ Unity New Input System - Default Input Actions
via IFTTT Creating the default input actions using Unity.
📄️ Unity New Input System - Moving a Player
via IFTTT How to move a player object using the new input system in Unity.
📄️ Package Manager - Missing 2D or 3D GameObjects or other packages / tools
Sometimes when you create a project you initially set it up as a 2D or 3D project and then want to convert it or add in 2D or 3D features.
📄️ Picking Up Items - Storing Values in a List/Array
This guide will cover how to use an Array to store the amount of different items that have been picked up.
📄️ Play audio clip when a trigger is entered
This lesson involves moving a player character into a collider area which is set to a trigger and using this to trigger an event to play a selected audio clip.
📄️ Play audio with a subtitle
You need to be able to create a trigger that plays audio when entering a collider as well as have a basic understanding of UI canvases in order to complete this lesson.
📄️ Point and Click Movement - Player Pathfinding using a Navmesh
Click the image to load a preview.
📄️ Unity - Prefabs
via IFTTT Creating reusable objects (Prefabs) in Unity.
📄️ Unity: Reload Scene on Player death
via IFTTT How to use a collider and a trigger to reload a level / scene when a player collides with the object. Uses the Player Tag and runs ...
📄️ Reload Scene when colliding with an object
This guide will show how to reload a scene (or load a scene of your choice) when the player collides with an object.
📄️ Unity: Rotate an object around itself
via IFTTT How to write a script to rotate an object around itself using an objects transform.
📄️ Rotate Player with mouse
This guide moves a player forward and back as usual with the character strafing left and right. The character will rotate left and right when the mouse is moved left or right on the x axis.
📄️ Rotating an Object around itself
Here we will write a script to rotate an object around itself.
📄️ Unity: Rotating the Player and camera
How to rotate the player and the fixed camera using the new input system.
📄️ RTS Style Pan and Zoom Camera using Cinemachine
This lesson will have you create a camera that can pan and zoom using a Cinemachine Virtual Camera and the Input System.
📄️ Scripting - Using a Script to Dynamically Create a Grid with Different Height Cubes
Click to open, drag the sliders to change the number of rows and columns
📄️ Separate Sprites from a Sprite Sheet
In this lesson you will learn how to:
📄️ Setting Up Git and installing the MLAPI package
The Unity guide to Getting Started with MLAPI is a great place to make your first steps using the Unity MLAPI package.
📄️ Setting Up Unity
First Install Unity
📄️ Unity: Snap and Align Objects
How to snap GameObjects to the grid in Unity and align objects to Vertices (points) of an object.
📄️ Snapping objects to grid (and changing the grid measurements and size)
Unity has a lot of useful tools but positioning objects can be tedious as they do not snap to a grid by default.
📄️ Spawn and Despawn Objects when you Mouse Click in a Scene
There is an example of this here.
📄️ Unity Student and Github student developer pack
MAke sure you have a Github and Unity account setup.
📄️ Switching the project UI to use the New Input System
Add your UI to the Scene as you normally would.
📄️ Third Person Follow Camera using CineMachine and Input System
Third person camera controls in Unity are difficult.
📄️ Unity: Third Person Free Look Camera
Free look third person camera with Cinemachine.
📄️ Timed Power Ups
This is a long an complex tutorial. Take your time and know that it will be frustrating at times.
📄️ Twin Stick Movement (Left Move, Right Look Direction)
Here we will use the input system to move a player in a twin stick format.
📄️ UI Buttons to Spawn and Despawn Objects (Grid Layout)
Download the example here.
📄️ Unity - Universal Render Pipeline and Input System
The Unity URP (Universal Render Pipeline) contains a new Input System.
📄️ Using JSON to read and write complex objects such player Position and player Colours
There is no live WebGL demo for this example due to it requiring saving and loading of data.
📄️ Using PlayerPrefs to save simple data
There is no live demo for this example due to saving and loading states not being available in WebGL.
📄️ Using Raycasts to highlight an object (enemy) when in view and reset when not
Click the image to load an interactive demo.
📄️ Using Visual Studio Code
It's relatively easy to use Visual Studio Code with Unity. However it doesn't always activate the intellisence (tips and autocomplete).
📄️ Version control with Unity and Github
via IFTTT How to setup and use core features of Github desktop with Unity.
📄️ VS Code - Extensions for Unity
For Unity you should install the following extensions in Visual Studio Code.
📄️ Youtube MLAPI Tutorial (SRCoder)
SR Coder has a great tutorial on YouTube regarding how to create a simple networking multiplayer.
📄️ Unity
Create a project in Unity.